product instructions



 REGULAR RINSE, WIPE, and DRY this suits most people, if you don’t like drying your glass please ask, as we have solutions for that too. 

If you want to rinse your glass, put your shower head against the glass and rinse the surface, or use a cup or container to fill & pour water down the glass. This is not needed, but if you do rinse, YOU MUST THEN DRY THE GLASS.

Important step – DRY
Using a Squeegee, a towel or similar, dry the glass. This will help to wipe off the surface and helps you feel if there are any “sticky” or “gritty” patches that may need attention. 

You can use a squeegee, but we recommend to finish drying with a cloth or towel. Usually the edges and around handles, and hinges.

The more often you do this the easier your ongoing maintenance will be. 

WEEKLY SURFACE CLEAN If you dry your glass thoroughly daily, you may find you can stretch this step out a bit longer.

After a shower, clean the glass firmly with a “scrunchie”, or approved cleaning pad, and clean water – You are cleaning it, be firm! and don’t worry, you won’t be rubbing off the Diamond Fusion easyClean, it is a very durable surface. You may see and feel the surface change, it should be smooth, and look clean and clear. Dry the glass well with a squeegee, towel, or cloth. 

If there is still a little smearing or the water isn’t clearing off well, put a REALLY SMALL amount of dishwashing liquid*, just a drop or less, just a smear – use the least amount you can –  on your scrunchie, then use that to FIRMLY clean your glass, rinse it if thats what you do – most of the water should clear off it, and give it a good drying. If still not smooth or water is still not clearing see the section on Restoration Powder and Revitalizer. 

* We don’t recommend “Eco” type dishwashing liquid – Palmolive, Morning Fresh or Sunlight work well. 

RESTORATION POWDER | If you see some clouding or harder to move marks, especially around handles & hinges or down the bottom of the glass, DF Restoration Powder has been developed to quickly and easily remove this without damaging the surface. The earlier this is done the easier and more successful this will be. Once the contamination is removed, finish off with DF Revitalizer to return the water repellancy along with the smooth & easy to clean surface.

REVITALIZER | Over time the top layer of Diamond Fusion easyClean can wear, the better, or more frequently, the glass is dried after use, the longer this will be.

If you notice a reduction of the water “beading”, or the surface is starting to not feel or look as water repellant, a simple application of DF Revitalizer will help to return the water repellancy, providing the surface is clean – we do suggest it is first cleaned with DF Restoration Powder.
Revitalizer can also be used as a booster, to reduce the drying frequency, or to make the clean even easier.

Hard Water or Bore Water Areas | Dry after EVERY shower.
More regular cleaning with the approved cleaning pad may be required, and Restoration Powder as needed.
Regular application of Diamond Fusion Revitalizer is recommended.


Rinse and wipe clean with running water (e.g. hose, without a sprayer) as required. Dry with a squeegee, towel, or cloth to finish the surface cleaning. If anything remains sticking to the glass wipe with a cloth or firmly clean with a Nylon Scrunchie, or a soft broom or carwash brush and rinse, then dry. 

It is recommended that Diamond Fusion easyClean is maintained with Diamond Fusion Revitalizer if required.

RESTORATION POWDER | If you see some clouding or harder to move marks, DF Restoration Powder has been developed to quickly and easily remove this without damaging the Diamond Fusion surface, then you must finish off with DF Revitalizer to keep the Diamond Fusion surface in the best condition. 

REVITALIZER | Over time the top layer of Diamond Fusion can wear, if you notice a reduction of the water “beading” a simple application of DF Revitalizer will bring this back, but the surface does need to be cleaned first for optimal performance. Restoration Powder has been developed for this.


Every pool is different, the best care programme will depend on many things such as distance of glass from the water, how you use the pool, and what level of care suits you.
Basic care is similar to exterior glass – Clean as required, and supplement with Restoration Powder & Revitalizer application as needed. 

 For your Boat – After each trip / outing, wash your boat as you normally do, then rinse with running water (e.g. hose without sprayer). If anything remains sticking to the glass wipe with a cloth or clean with a Scrunchy, or carwash brush and rinse. A very small amount of mild detergent [such as dishwashing liquid or boat wash] may also be used if required. Dry with a squeegee, towel or cloth.

Always clean the glass after long road trip before you put the boat in the water. 

 For your Vehicle – Wash it as you normally would, If anything remains sticking to the glass wipe with a cloth or clean with a Scrunchy, or soft carwash brush and rinse with running water (e.g. hose without sprayer).  Then dry with a towel or Cloth. Give the windscreen a good clean with the window brush when your at the gas station to help keep it clear.

Drying Boats and Vehicles – similar to every other situation, the damage to the glass comes from minerals in the tap water. Drying your glass helps to remove these.

It is recommended that DF easyClean is maintained with Diamond Fusion Revitalizer when required, especially in the areas that the wipers are on. The abrasion of Wipers do wear the “hydrophobic” or “beading” and if left, will wear the coating itself. How quickly this happens depend on use and environment, The individual nanopax of Revitalizer are handy to occasionally apply to the screen. 

RESTORATION POWDER | If you see some clouding or harder to move marks, DF Restoration Powder has been developed to quickly and easily remove this without damaging the Diamond Fusion surface, then you must finish off with DF Revitalizer to help it stop coming back. 

REVITALIZER | to keep your screen working at the optimal level or if you notice a reduction of the water “beading” a simple application of DF Revitalizer will help this work best, but the surface does need to be cleaned first for best performance. Restoration Powder is ideal for this. Depending on conditions and how often its used. As a suggestion, maybe once or twice a season for your Boat or every 10 000 to 20 000 kms for your vehicle.


Use a towel,a cloth, or squeegee to wipe the surface dry after EVERY use of the shower. 

– TIP – The more thougoughly you dry your glass the easier your ongoing care will be.
The glass needs to be dried as the marking comes from your water. We cant stop this, any protection product is provide a smooth and easy to clean surface to stop the mineral embedding in the microscopically rough surface of the glass.


Clean the glass firmly with a “scrunchie” and clean water, usually the water left on the glass after your shower is enough,

You are cleaning it, be firm, and don’t worry, you won’t be rubbing off the Clear Fusion! It is very durable. You may see and feel the surface change, it should be smooth, and look clean and clear. Rinse the glass if you need to & give it a dry off with a squeegee, a towel, or cloth. 

If there is still a little smearing or the water isn’t clearing off well, put a REALLY SMALL amount of dishwashing liquid*, just a drop or less, on your scrunchie to again FIRMLY clean your glass, rinse it again if you need to and dry it.
If still not smooth or water is still not clearing see the section on Restoration Powder and Revitalizer. 

* We dont recommend “Eco” type dishwashing liquid – Palmolive, Morning Fresh or Sunlight work well. 

It is recommended that Clear Fusion Pro is periodically maintained with Diamond Fusion Revitalizer. As a suggestion, once a year, you may find it needs more or less frequency.

Rinse and wipe clean with running water (e.g. hose, without a sprayer) as required. Dry with a towel or cloth to finish the surface cleaning. If anything remains sticking to the glass wipe with a cloth or firmly clean with a Nylon Scrunchie, or a soft carwash brush and rinse. For on-going care a Maintenance Kit is recommended. 

It is recommended that Clear Fusion Pro is periodically maintained with Diamond Fusion Revitalizer. As a suggestion, once a year. You may find it needs more or less frequency.

Clear Fusion Pro on Shower Glass is not recommended for Hard Water and Bore water areas 

Rinse and dry after EVERY shower. Twice weekly cleaning with the nylon puff may be required. A monthly, or an as needed clean with Diamond Fusion Restoration Powder and an application of Diamond Fusion Revitaliser surface treatment is recommended, available in a Maintenance Kit or separately in the shop section of our website. 

After each trip / outing, rinse with running water (e.g. hose). If anything remains sticking to the glass wipe with a cloth or clean with a Scrunchy, or soft carwash brush and rinse. A very small amount of mild detergent [Morning Fresh or boat wash] may also be used if required. Dry with a towel or cloth before the boat is parked away. Always clean the glass after long road trip before you put the boat in the water. 

It is recommended that Clear Fusion Pro is periodically maintained with Diamond Fusion Revitalizer as required, grab an easy to use maintenance pack from our website shop.

RESTORATION POWDER | If you see some clouding or harder to move marks, especially around handles & hinges in showers or down the bottom of the glass, DFI Restoration Powder has been developed to quickly and easily remove this without damaging the surface protection, then you must finish off with a little DFI Revitalizer to help it stop coming back. 

REVITALIZER | We do suggest a periodic application of DFI Revitalizer to keep Clear Fusion Pro working as well as it should, how often will depend a lot on a few factors, including, how you take care of the surface, the “quality” of the glass surface that was applied to, and your water supply. 

If the surface is clean but you notice a reduction of the water “beading” a simple application of DFI Revitalizer will help this return. The more often it is applied the easier to ongoing maintenance will be.

  1. Ongoing Care – To make your care even easier, an occasional application – maybe 3, 6, or 12 months – of Diamond Fusion Revitalizer or an Express Care Kit (available from the Diamond Fusion website shop) will help keep the performance as good as the day it was applied. Our Restoration Power is specifically developed for DFI surfaces, so if you need something a little stronger [and DON’T use anything else unless you talk to us], then this is perfect for you.
  2. Squeegee – If you use a squeegee, use a good quality one with a rubber or Silicone blade, and replace it occasionally – we do have good squueegees available at our website shop –
    TIP – bigger isnt always better! the larger the squeegee, the harder it is to do a really good drying job.
    When using it, ensure you rinse or wipe the blade before using it, and you may find you need to finish off round the edges, plus handles and hinges with a cloth or a towel.
  3. Cleaning – Having Diamond Fusion easyClean or Clear Fusion PRO on your glass will reduce the cleaning effort required by up to 90% and you will not need any more harsh smelly cleaners! BUT, like non stick frying pans – it’s not no clean. You need to dry the glass, and do a quick firm clean every week to keep it looking its best.
  4. Hard Water / Bore Water – In some areas with hard water or bore water, it is necessary to clean more often & dry with a towel after every use. Some areas will require some Restoration Power and Revitaliser on a more regular basis, so check out our After-Care-Gear and especially the maintenance Kits – these will help you manage the surface.
  5. Shampoo / conditioners – some contain higher quantities of silicone (often called Dimethicone) which can leave a smeary residue on any surfaces in the shower including Diamond Fusion easyClean. We recommend not using these. The silicone residue will be on top of the Diamond Fusion easyClean or Clear Fusion and can be easily removed with our Restoration powder – then use Revitalizer, contact your local agent or purchase online in our shop page.
  6. Going Away – if you are going away for a extended period of time, then before you leave we recommend that you clean the shower and remove any water marks, if they are left for a long period they are more difficult to remove when you return.
  7. Heated Bathroom Floors – If your bathroom is heated, the we recommend you might need to towel dry the shower more frequently, as the heat dries any mineral deposits a lot faster than a non-heated bathroom.
  8. Marine or Automotive Window Wipers – When applied to a window with a window wiper, the surface will need a Revitaliser treatment after a period of time. This will vary based on the use of the wiper. Please contact your local agent for more information.
  9. High Glass Cleaning – Use a soft brush with a long handle and clean the glass after thoroughly wetting the surface. Wrap a towel around the end and add some dish-washing liquid to clean any stubborn dirt and then rinse. To dry, do the same with a dry towel on the end of the broom or a long squeegee.
  10. Questions – Should you have any other questions, then please contact your local agent or Franchisee on 0800 66 72 78.

Please watch our care videos to ensure you care for your surface protectant correctly: