There is nothing worse than watching your brand new, sparkling shower glass, over time becoming cloudy, stained and covered with limescale or soap scum. Even more frustrating, is when this is in your beautiful brand new home, rental investment or renovation. Sadly, most of us don’t realise until it’s too late that we have a problem and then we resort to expensive, eye watering, nasty chemicals that we actually already know wont work, all in an effort to try and restore and keep our glass looking good.

There are two very good reasons why  shower glass stains, and in some cases, surprisingly quickly. Firstly, it has a lot to do with glass itself. Unseen, to the naked eye, glass isn’t really very smooth, it is covered with tiny indents and it’s these tiny indents that create a trap for water and other contaminants. Due to this known issue, some glass manufacturers have taken to pre-coating shower glass with a protectant, however, most of these manufacturer protectants aren’t worth the bottle they come in, and can unfortunately quickly become ineffective.

The second contributing reason in our battle to keep our shower glass stain free, is the added issue of our water supply, not so much in relation to health, but that water contains chemicals and minerals such as: silica, antimony, chlorine, fluoride, bromodichloromethane, lead, arsenic, copper, manganese and nitrates, these all contribute to stained glass.

At Diamond Fusion Glass Defender, we have over 20 years experience with glass coatings and know a thing or two about how to protect and keep your shower glass sparkling. A coating with any of our world leading products can contribute to ensuring your glass remains clear and easy to clean.

Talk to us about your shower glass today!